As Mother’s Day is approaching, we did the following meditation at the end of the class: 為了迎接母親節的到來,在課堂結尾時,引導大家一起做了這個冥想:
Invite your mom to this space. It doesn’t matter if she is still living and if she lives far away or somewhere near. She is now sitting in front of you, mirroring your position. 邀請你的媽媽來到這個空間,不管她是否還活在這個世上、或已經離開,不論她住在老遠的地方、或就在你身旁,她現在就坐在你的面前,跟你一模一樣地坐著。
Start to remember all the gifts she has given you in your whole life time—her bringing your to this world, her selfless giving and care…. Look into her eyes. When you inhale, accept once again all the gifts she has given you. Allow your whole body to breathe in her love. 開始回想這一生以來,她曾給予你的所有禮物:把你帶到這世上,無條件的關愛,無私的付出……。看著媽媽的眼睛,吸氣、再一次把她所給你的禮物接受進來,讓自己全身上下充滿媽媽的愛。
Now look at yourself. Think when in your daily life you are playing the role of a mother. You don’t have to have children of your own. But you must have given and loved someone selflessly like a mother does to her child. 現在,看著你自己,想想在日常生活中你是否有時也扮演著母親的角色,你不一定要有自己的小孩,但你必定曾無私地付出、無條件地關愛過某人。
Now you are the mother and also the child. When you inhale, take in your own mother-like love. Allow yourself to melt into that accepting-all, understanding-all, vast ocean of tender softness. No matter who you are and how you are, you are loved and accepted completely. 現在,你是媽媽,也是小孩,吸氣的時候,把自己如母親般的愛接受進來,讓自己融化在那包容所有、理解所有、如海洋無邊無際的溫柔慈悲之中,不管你是誰,都完全被接受、被疼愛。
Look again at your mom. Now she slowly stands up, turns around and leaves. She gradually disappears. Observe how your body is reacting to this. Do not try to change anything. Be open to your true feelings. 再度看著你的媽媽。現在她起身,慢慢地轉身離開,漸漸從你的視線消失。觀察你身體的反應。不要試著改變,就打開心接受自己真實的感受。
Are you ready to be your own mother, feeling supported by your self-love? Are you able to let your mother go? 你準備好讓媽媽離開了嗎?你能不能夠像媽媽一樣愛自己、照顧自己?
Fill you whole body with a gentleness that’s like your mother’s embrace. As you exhale, send this gentleness out to the people sitting next to you…to the whole room… to people you love and care…to people you know and don’t know…to all beings… 讓你的全身充滿一股溫柔,像媽媽柔軟的擁抱。吐氣時,將這份溫柔往外播送,給坐在你身邊的人…給你愛的關心的人…給你認識或不認識的人…給世間的所有生命…
It is mothers’ love that connects us to all others. It is mothers’ love that helps us understand the generosity of Mother Earth and God’s divine love. 藉由媽媽的愛,我們能與世間眾生連結,藉由媽媽的愛,我們意識到大地之母的無私付出,以及來自神的、至高的愛。
At the end, we come back to our heart. Palms together, we bow to that gentleness within, our loving kindness. 最後,我們回到自己的心,雙手合掌,向內在的慈悲、柔軟包容,深深敬拜。
Happy Mother’s Day! 母親節快樂!
peipei@zuoyoga做 瑜珈。
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- May 08 Fri 2009 23:46
【English 20090506】Mom媽媽