This class happened to be near the new moon in Aries. Therefore, after reading the moon message written by Lisa Dale Miller, I came up with a meditation for us to do at the end of the class: 這堂課剛好在牡羊座的新月,所以,我事先讀了Lisa Dale Miller寫的新月文,想出了以下這個冥想,在課堂終了時,引導大家一起做:
Imagine that you are walking in a dark tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, there is light. You walk slowly towards the light. 想像妳走在一個暗暗的隧道,隧道的盡頭,有光,妳慢慢地走向那個光。
When you come to the place full of light, you see a child waiting for you. He/she is your inner child, that trusting and innocent soul that has always been within you. 當妳來到充滿光的地方,妳看到一個孩子,那個孩子不是別人,正是那個一直活在妳內心深處、充滿信任而純真的孩子。
The child sees you and smiles. With a sense of wonder and magic, the child begins to describe to you who you really are and what you really want. In this child’s world, if something can be thought, it can be made to happen. 她看到妳,開心地笑了,充滿著魔法般的美好能量以及想像力,她開始向妳描述妳是怎麼樣的一個人,妳心裡真正想要的是什麼。在孩子的世界裡,只要想得到的,都能成真。
Allow yourself to listen with an open heart. Feel the child’s energy and absorb all the words and love the child has for you. 打開妳的心吸收這個孩子的愛,以及她為妳準備的每一字、每一句,讓她的能量感染妳。
Through the child, we reconnect with the truth that all children know instinctively: In this world that we live in, love is all that matters! 藉由這個孩子,我們重新連結到每個孩子都本能地理解的事實:在我們活著的這個世界裡,除了愛,一切都不要緊!
Gradually the child dissolves into the light and the light enters you. You ARE your inner child; you ARE the light and love. 漸漸的,這個孩子的身形融化到光裡,光進入妳的身體,妳就是妳內在的小孩,妳就是光,就是愛。
Then we did metta—sending our light out through the skin to the people sitting next to us, to the city, to the island, to the world and to the infinite space and time. What we have sent out then becomes a beam of white light coming down from the sky, and through the crown of our head, entering our whole body; back to our heart. 然後我們做metta-把光往外播送,穿透皮膚,照亮身旁的人,到這個城市,這個島,這世界,到無限的時空。最後,讓播送出去的變成一道白光,從天空降落下來,穿過頭頂進入全身,回到心。
Palms together, thumbs touching our heart, head bending forward slightly, let’s deeply thank our inner child, who has always been with us, reminding us of the light and lightness within, and of the fact that life can be FUN and we are always allowed to PLAY. 雙手合掌,大拇指碰著心,頭微微低下來,深深感謝我們內在的那個孩子,一直陪伴著我們,提醒我們生命可以輕盈、可以充滿樂趣,我們可以玩耍。
peipei@zuoyoga做 瑜珈。
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- Mar 26 Thu 2009 20:22
【English 20090325】a meditation for the new moon in Aries 牡羊新月之夜的冥想