
在巴西,早餐叫做café da manhã,直接翻譯就是『早晨的咖啡』,可見咖啡在巴西生活中的根本性,不論一天中的哪一個時段,大家總不忘問一句:「um cafezinho?(來杯咖啡嗎?)」小小咖啡杯裡,顏色與氣味都濃稠的液體,讓巴西人一整天精神飽滿。還有另外一種小小杯透明的液體,叫做cachaça或pinga(巴西的蘭姆酒),也是巴西體驗裡不可或缺的一部分,老一輩的人,會在飯前飯後都來個幾口,勞動階級也會用一小杯香氣與酒精濃度相當的透明液體,舒活全身筋骨好上工。

早晨,閱讀Ken Wilber的A Brief History of Everything(中文翻譯:萬法簡史)。


「(現代主義的)啟蒙運動的基本典範又被稱為具像典範。此典範的概念為,有相對於經驗或知覺世界的自我或主體存在,而一切有效知識都在於繪製此單一、被預先給予的經驗世界之地圖,若此地圖是精準的,意即能正確地表現或呼應此一經驗世界,那它就是『真理』。」(“…the fundamental Enlightenment paradigm is know as the representational paradigm. This is the idea that you have the self or the subject, on the one hand, and the empirical or sensory world, on the other, and all valid knowledge consists in making maps of the empirical world, the single and simple “pregiven” world. And if the map is accurate, if it correctly represents, or corresponds with, the empirical world, then that is ‘truth.’”

「這個想法並非錯誤,它只是非常地狹隘及有限,但具像典範的困境很難以捉摸,事實上,經過了好幾世紀人們才了解到問題出在哪裡。」“It’s not that it’s wrong. It’s just very narrow and very limited. But the difficulties of the representation paradigm are rather subtle, and it took a very long time—several centuries, actually—to realize what the problem was.”

「以最簡單的方式陳述此問題:這些地圖漏掉了繪製地圖的人。繪製地圖者本身也會替這個圖像添油加醋,而此一事實完全被忽略了!」“…the simplest way to state the problem with maps is: they leave out the mapmaker. What was being utterly ignored was the fact that the mapmaker might itself bring something to the picture!”

「所以,後現代的重大發現就是,自我或世界並非被預先給予的,而是存在於具有歷史及發展的背景脈絡之中的。」“So the great postmodern discovery was that neither the self nor the world is simply pregiven, but rather they exist in contexts and backgrounds that have a history, a development.”

「自我並非一個不變的實質,它所擁有的比較像是一段歷史,地圖繪製者在其歷史、成長、發展之各階段中,會製造出樣貌迥異的地圖。」“The self does not have an unchanging essence so much as it has a history, and the mapmaker will make quite different maps at the various stages of its own history, its own growth and development.”

「在每個階段中,法界(終極實相)以新的眼睛看著自己,因而孕育了前所未有的新世界。」“At each of these stages, the Kosmos looks at itself with new eyes, and thus brings forth new world not previously existing.”

「世界觀是神性的心智,身體是神性的基地。隨著神性潛能的揭示,身心也跟著演化,並在過程中創造出新世界,此過程不太像是宇宙大爆炸,而是宇宙的盛放,是神性之春中一朵燦爛耀眼的花。」“The world view is the mind, the base is the body, of Spirit. These bodyminds evolve, and bring forth new worlds in the process, as Spirit unfolds its own potential, a radiant flower in Kosmic spring, not so much Big Band as Big Bloom.”

「超越理性的正等待著,新的黎明就在轉角處,每個階段超越又含容(上一個階段),因此,無法逃避也不可避免地,明日陽光升起照耀的,是一個在諸多方面都超越理性的世界。」“...the tranrational lies in wait. It is just around the corner, this new dawn. Every stage transcends and includes, and thus inescapably, unavoidably it seems, the sun will rise on a world tomorrow that in many ways transcends reason….”

「超越和含容,孕育和擁抱,創造和愛,慾愛與聖愛,開展和包裹-只是同一件事的不同說法。」“Transcends and includes, brings forth and embraces, creates and loves, Eros and Agape, unfolds and enfolds—different ways of saying the same thing.”



看完演出,我倆和João及Isabella一起去家附近的餐廳Pedra Azul(藍石頭)慶祝,窗外雖沒有海浪、白沙,歡慶的氣氛(跟世界杯足球賽有關)和白天市集留下的魚腥味,真教人誤以為到了海邊,珮君品嘗了香濃的cachaça以及cafezinho,然而,真教人醺醉的,是友誼的甜美,是不可言說的、當下共享的神奇。




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