那天我和隔壁上課的Megan老師(身體不適所以請Tiger老師一起帶課)都不約而同地決定要上一堂flow的課。flow的課著重姿勢間順暢地串聯,這需要學生對這課堂中會做到的瑜珈姿勢已有基本的熟悉度。Megan (who was teaching the other class at the same time) and I happened to decide to teach a "flow" class that day. A "flow" class focuses on smoothly going from one yoga pose to the next, which requires that the students already have some familiarity with the yoga poses covered in the class.
平常比較著重每個瑜珈體位的課,好比是在一個個姿勢裡,讓自己變成一尊尊佛像,去體會她的莊嚴、她的力量、她的平衡、她的慈悲。而這堂比較流動的課,就好像自己是敦煌壁畫裡的飛天,氣息的進出使我們舞動起來,生命流動的能量引導我們進入內在驚豔奇妙的旅程。 What we usually do in a hatha yoga class is like putting ourselves in a stable image of a god/goddess in each asana. Then we let ourselves experience the dignity, the strength, the balance and the compassion of the god/goddess; whereas in a more flowing class like this one, we became the figures in the Buddhist cave paintings in Tun-huang. With each breath we blew into our bodies, we moved into a dancing moment. Then we allowed ourselves to be guided by this flowing life-force into the surprise- and wonder-filled internal journey.
課堂的結尾,我選擇了Wahe Guru Wahe Jio這首眉心輪/第三眼的咒語,wah被認為是水瓶座的聲音,就是水從很窄的瓶口倒出來產生的聲音,he意思是「我獲得了」,jio是對自己靈魂的親切稱呼。 In the end of the class, we sang the mantra of ajna / the third eye, Wahe Guru Wahe Jio. Wah is considered the sound of Aquarius, the sound of watering pouring out of a narrow opening in a bottle. He means "I have gained." Jio is the affectionate way of calling the soul.
整首咒語是這樣的The mantra goes:
Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Jio
"O my soul, when I experience the indescribable wisdom of God, I am in ecstasy."
唱咒的時候,我們專注感受任何我們從經驗或知識裡獲得的喜悅,尤其是意識到生命的無限與神聖本質時感受到的、全然的喜悅。When chanting this mantra, we focused on the joy we had gained through knowledge or any of our life experiences, especially the ecstasy we had felt when realizing the infinite and divine nature of our being.
peipei@zuoyoga做 瑜珈。