第三脈輪位於太陽神經叢,就是那個如果有人要在我們肚子上打一拳,我們本能地會往內縮,以保護自己的地方。這個脈輪掌管我們的意志、行動力以及對自我的認同。The third chakra is located in the solar plexus, the place where we instinctively protect by withdrawing inwardly when someone is about to punch us on the stomach. It rules our will, our ability to act and our ego identification.

 當這個脈輪的能量過度,我們容易變得愛掌控、有侵略性、喜歡指責別人,或是心思散亂、靜不下來、得一直找事做,這時候我們可以用健康安全、不會傷害自己或他人的方式來釋放過多的精力或情緒(通常是憤怒);When there is excessive energy in this chakra, we might become dominating, aggressive, blaming, scattered or constantly active. We should try to find healthy ways of discharging extra physical or emotional energy (often anger), without hurting ourselves or others. 這個脈輪能量缺乏的徵兆則是意志力薄弱、沒自信、被動、懶惰、充滿恐懼,這時候,我們可以加強鍛鍊腿部和丹田的力量,讓自己感覺紮根,並從事可以帶來活力的運動。Deficiency in this chakra is characterized by weak will, low self-esteem, passivity, laziness and fear. To heal, we have to keep grounding ourselves by training the power in our lower body and do exercises that bring more energy to our body. 許多後仰的姿勢,如眼鏡蛇、駱駝、蝗蟲式等,能伸展及鍛鍊腹部的肌肉,按摩調理腹腔內的器官,有助平衡這個脈輪。Many back-bending poses, such as cobra, camel and locust, stretch and tone the abdominal muscles, massage the interior organs in the belly, and thus, help balance this chakra.


第四脈輪就在心的位置,掌管愛、人我關係以及對自我的接受。The fourth chakra is located in our heart. 能量過多可能會造成我們在關係中過度依賴、沒有界線、占有慾強、忌妒或自戀等;能量不夠則會造成害羞、寂寞、自我孤立、缺乏同理心、刻薄及批判。Excess in this chakra makes us possessive, jealous or narcissistic. It results in codependency or poor boundaries in our relationships with others. Deficiency in this chakra makes us shy, lonely, isolated, bitter, critical or unable to empathize with others. 看看自己的心,我們給出去和收進來的能量是否平衡?付出和接受的過程是否不費力?我們是否寄望他人(尤其是父母和親密伴侶)來填滿我們空空的心,或者我們能對自己的心負責,用完全的自我接受來滋養它?We can look at our own heart and see if the energy coming in equals that going out. Is the process of giving and receiving full of ease? Are we depending on others (usually parents or intimate partners) to fill our empty heart or can we take the full responsibility of nourishing it with total self-acceptance? 在呼吸法中練習平靜而均勻地把氧氣帶到我們的心,用按摩或在瑜珈姿勢中鬆開包圍著心的肌肉(胸肌和背肌),練習讓雙臂從心的部位往外延伸,於是我們可以更自由地與人連結,接受他們的愛,並付出愛。Practice bringing air smoothly and evenly to our heart. Massage to loosen the muscles surrounding it. Extend our arms from it so that we can freely connect with others, receiving their love as well as giving them our love. 讓淚水和叫喊釋放儲存在心裡的悲慟、恐懼、憤怒,唯有藉著對過去的原諒,我們的心才能開始輕鬆、敞開、活在當下。Let out grief, fear and anger stored in our heart through tears and voice. It is only through forgiving the past can we unburden our heart and begin to live in the present. 坐姿和仰臥扭轉式都能幫助我們把脊椎排列整齊,強化背肌、打開胸部,拜日式、英雄式、三角形式等手臂的伸展動作,能鍛鍊雙臂,並打開胸腔,使呼吸更深入,都對心輪很有幫助。Sitting and lying spinal twists help realign our vertebrae, strengthen the back muscles and open the chest. Reaching arms in poses such as sun salutation, warrior I & II and triangle can strengthen our arms and open the chest for deeper breathing. These poses are all great for the heart chakra.


peipei@zuoyoga做 瑜珈。


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